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Ethiopian Coffee Types by Region

Coffee production in Ethiopia is a longstanding tradition which dates back dozens of centuries. Ethiopia is where Coffea arabica, the coffee plant, originates. The plant is now grown in various parts of the world; Ethiopia itself accounts for around 3% of the global coffee market. Coffee is important to the economy of Ethiopia; around 60% of foreign income comes from coffee, with an estimated 15 million of the population relying on some aspect of coffee production for their livelihood. In 2006, coffee exports brought in $350 million. equivalent to 34% of that year's total exports.


Considered the finest of all coffees grown in the Horn of Africa, the most prevalent taste characteristic is lemon, which gives a distinct tart bite combined with a rich, floral finish.


Popular among the specialty trade, the beans are processed by either dry or wet methods. The beans produce flavor notes with a spicy character and round, balanced acidity in the cup . With altitudes of up to 2,200 meters, Sudama produces fine washed and exceptional unwashed coffees.


Characterized by its winey aftertaste, this washed coffee delivers a vibrant, balanced cup with sharp acidity and a classic balanced taste.



One of the world’s most prized coffees, Harar has a medium to light acidity, full body with typical mocha flavor and a winey aftertaste. Of the two varieties, Short Berry and Long Berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green. Famed the world over for its distinctive blueberry mocha flavor, Harar coffee fetches some of the highest prices for unwashed coffee in the world market.



Coffee is said to have gotten its name from the Ethiopian region of Kaffa, where this coffee is produced. Like other coffees from this region the beans produce a rather heavy bodied cup with wine-like aftertaste. The bulk of Ethiopia’s natural coffee exports come from Djimmah. Often used in blends, it commands a premium over other African unwashed Arabicas due to its clean cup and good flavor.



Typically used in blends, this coffee is characterized by a fruity flavor and bright acidity. Beans are processed by both the dry and wet methods.



Used in blends, this coffee contributes to a good balanced cup and enhances the wild characteristic of Ethiopian coffees.